Who are we?

Hi! We are Chocoladeverkopers Paul & Emma and we love chocolate. Not the kind of bars you know from the supermarket but special chocolatebars with a lot of taste. It’s mostly called ‘craft chocolate’ or ‘bean to bar chocolate’ They were/are not widely available and that’s why we started selling them ourselves back in 2014.

After pondering about a couple names back then we decided to name our company after what we do: Chocoladeverkopers. It’s dutch for ‘chocolate sellers’. Not that easy to find or pronounce if you live abroad that’s why we put the international version of our website on the easier domain Crafchocolate.store. But whatever you remember: our craftchocolate store, or our company name chocoladeverkopers – we actually prefer to use our own names – because in the end we are not only craft chocolate sellers, not only chocoladeverkopers, but we are Paul & Emma. Hi.

Hallo, ik ben de Paul.dit is chocoladeverkoper emma

What kind of chocolate can i expect?

In dutch we say: Puur, eerlijk en lekker.

Puur means dark (dark chocolate) but also pure.
Eerlijk = fair/honest
Lekker = tasty

Taste is our first concern. We love to sell bars we truly enjoy ourselves and only sell bars we personally like. But it’s also really important to ust hat the cocoa farmers get a better price by direct trade (with or without fairtrade, organic or other certification)

We also think with every stap from bean to chocolate bar there should be attention to nature & humankind. No random bulk cacao, but short and traceable lines of trade. And ofcourse for all the many flavors that are incapsulated in the cocoa bean.

We hope more and more people discover there is so much more in chococolate than the (sorry) bland sweets you find in your supermarket aisle. And we hope to contribute in our own small way.

Where can i buy the chocolate

The best place to see and order the full range of chocolates in our assortment is ofcourse here, in our webshop.

If you want to see the bars in real life: part of our assortment is also available at the ‘Ieder Z’n Vak’ store in the Lange Hezelstraat in Nijmegen. Some bars are available through us at a couple other places in Nijmegen.


We are ofcourse registered at the dutch Kamer van Koophandel (chambre of commerce) with the beautiful number 61758477.

chocoladeverkopers chocoladerepen logo puur eerlijk lekker webwinkel in goede bean to bar chocolade

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